Tuesday, October 15, 2024

It's in the air..........

 We had a few flurries yesterday.  Today we saw a little more and it looks like predicted snow showers Wednesday morning.  Also seeing the first blue on the radar.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

I thought it would...............

 I said the other day that the pool was warming up.  Well, that didn't happen with the weather we had the last few days.  It's back to a chilling temp of 65.  On a good sunny day, the solar panels can warm it up 5 to 10 degrees. Not bad when there is 35,000 gallons of water in the pool.  Looks like Wednesday we'll start seeing the sun again.  Should be enough time to warm it up for the weekend.  If not I'll kick on the propane heater.

Today's Video..............

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Cover is off..............

 Chelsea and I pulled the pool cover off yesterday and the water was pretty clear this year.  Gave the pool a good shot of chlorine and you can see the screws in the drain cover on the deep end today.  Solar panels are hooked up and the temp is on its way up.   Should be ready for Father's Day weekend.

Today's Video................

Sunday, June 2, 2024

New lines...............

We had the parking lot sealed a week or so ago.  We used someone different this time and the new guys put down a coat of sealer that we couldn't see the old lines after it was done.  So, Chelsea and I had a few extra steps to do to finish the parking lot after getting sealed.

Today's Video...............

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Good watching................

 Americade motorcycle rally is in Lake George this weekend.  So, it will be a good weekend for watching bikes passing by on the way to the show.  Believe it or not it even looks like the weather is going to be good for it.

Today's Video.................

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Perfect Day.............

 We couldn't have asked for a better day than we had today.  Good temps and sun in and out, so it didn't get to hot.  But I think that is going to change over the next few days.  

Today's Video..............

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Happy Holiday!

 It's nice to see people rolling into town for the holiday weekend.  Even the weather was onboard today and we only saw a short shower late afternoon.  Sunday is also looking good, but not so nice for Monday morning.  Maybe the bad weather will hold of till the parades are over.

Today's Video................

Monday, May 20, 2024

Holy Hot,,,,,,,,,,,,,

 Hit 81 today and that is uncalled for us this time of the year.  Got a call that they will be here Tuesday to seal the driveway.  Planning on being out of office on Wednesday.  Chelsea will be holding down the fort.

Today's Video..................

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Couldn't ask.................

 You'll see in the video for today that the weather was in our court and people got out and about and enjoyed the nice weather.

Today's Video.............

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Dry this year..............

 We have a group of people come down from Canada on their motorcycles this weekend each year.  Last year when they showed up it wasn't pretty.  They rode in rain most of the way down.  This year they only saw a little drizzle.  Forecast looks good for the ride home on Monday.  It's their holiday weekend in Canada.

Today's Video...............

Friday, May 17, 2024

I'll take it.............

 No rain in the forecast during the day over the weekend.  But it is going to be cool with a high in the 60's on Saturday.  Got the grass mowed tonight and the grandson followed me the entire time.  He'll sleep good tonight.

Today's Video..................

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Looking better..............

 The forecast for this weekend looked like a wash out at the beginning of the week.  But it turned around and it looks like we're going to have a nice weekend after all.

Today's Video............

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

It really doesn't change!

 Just looked at the 10 day forecast and it just makes me smile to see the forecast isn't any better in the summer than the winter.  How do we go from 8 out of 10 days with rain to only 3 days out of 10.  If all goes as planned the driveway should be getting sealed on Thursday.

Today's Video................

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Nice day...........

 Had a crew here today working on sealing the driveway.  They did prep work and sealed the cracks.  Hoping for a nice day in the near future to do the sealing.  Went to the board meeting and it was standing room only.  You know it's going to be an interesting night when the place is full.

Today's Video.............

Monday, May 13, 2024

Tuesday night......

 I plan on being at the board meeting Tuesday night to see what is said about the trail permit ordeal.

Today's Video.............

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Clear tonight.............

 It's going to be clear tonight, maybe we'll be able to see the Northern Lights.  The last few nights we had cloud cover and couldn't see them.

Today's Video............

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Won't be long............

 With the rain we've gotten over the last few days it won't be long before we have to mow the yard for the first time this season.  I'm sure many of you are on your third or fourth cutting by now.

Today's Video...................

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Quiet one............

 Looks like it's going to be a quiet one around town this weekend.  It's going to be wet and cool.  At least the black flies won't be out biting you to death.

Today's Video........

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Guess note............

Just looked at the gauge for the Moose River and to my surprise it is really running low.  But it looks like that may change with showers in the forecast for eight days.

Today's Video.............

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Check it out............

 When you watch the McCauley time lapse you'll see something in just one frame of it.  Take a look at the picture below the video.  Not sure what it is, but it looks pretty big.  It's in front of the snow gun in the distance.

Today's Video.......

Monday, May 6, 2024

Got some.................

 Took advantage of the nice weather today and started power washing the motel and sidewalks this afternoon.  Planning on finishing it tomorrow and getting out the table and chairs for in front of the rooms.  Starting Wednesday it looks like seven days of rain.  So no outside work later in the week.

Today's Video...............

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Starting out good..........

 The first part of the week is looking good.  But it goes downhill fast and it looks like wet weather from Wednesday on for a week.

Today's Video...........

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Fun day............

 It was fun to get out of here for the day.  Got a few things done on the to do list.  Chelseas has been working around the motel getting things ready for the upcoming summer season.  It does feel funny to be getting things ready so soon for the season.  

Today's video..............

Monday, April 29, 2024

Just a heads up............

Planning on heading out of town for a few days.  Chelsea will be here holding down the fort.  Should be posting Thursday night again.

Today's Video..............

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Lucked out..........

I spent the afternoon doing some work outside and we lucked out with the black flies. Most days in the spring you see the little darlings when the temps are high like it was today.  I'm guessing it wasn't warm long enough for them to pop today.

Today's Video.................

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Good call..........

The rafting company made a good call on canceling the trips for this weekend.  The river is down to 3 feet this evening and that is way below the cut off for rafting on the Moose.

Today's Video................

Friday, April 26, 2024

Looking like.................

 The forecast for the upcoming week is looking like spring and it will feel like it after the cold weather we had this week.  Today felt warm and we only got to 60.

Today's Video.............

Thursday, April 25, 2024

It's over..............

Rafting on the Moose River is over for the season.  I got the phone call last night that the river is to low and the trips were canceled for the weekend.

Today's Video...............

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Check it out..............

 Take a look at the picture below the video.  Talk about getting a workout.  Chelsea saw this person go past the motel this morning.   Don't know where they came from or where they're going.  But pulling a canoe behind a bike it's something you see very often.

Today's Video..............

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

In search of.............

 I'm looking for a used 8x20 enclosed trailer.  Not in a super rush to get it or spend a fortune.  Going to use it to store sleds and other stuff in it.  If you know of one drop me an email.

Today's Video..................

Monday, April 22, 2024

What the.............

 Woke up this morning to see snow on the ground and thought what the heck.  It's time for this to be over and get on with spring.

Today's Video...................

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Believe it or not.............

Can someone please tell Old Man Winter that his season is over and spring can start anytime.  We had white stuff coming from the sky this morning.

Today's Video.................

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Off line again.............

 I don't have the snow cover map today again.  Not sure what is going on with that site that I get it from.  Rafting trip went this morning and it looks like the river should hold for the trip tomorrow also.

Today's Video.........

Friday, April 19, 2024

It's quiet..............

 Not much going on around town today.  Looks like Saturday is going to be cloudy all day and Sunday is going to be sunny but cool.

Today's Video.............

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Crossing my fingers................

 How sad is it that I'm looking for it to rain.  The river level is at the low point for running trips and there isn't much in the forecast to bring the level up.  I'm just hoping it doesn't drop more and they have to cancel trips this weekend.

Today's Video...............

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

It was nice............

 Forecast shows we'll have rain the next few days and won't see the sun much before Sunday afternoon.  It was nice to have a day of warmth and sun today.  River is holding on and this rain should keep the level up for rafting this weekend.  You can check the water level at this site Moose River at Mckeever NY - USGS Water Data for the Nation

Today's Video................

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Need some............

 Just checked the river level and we're going to need some rain this week or they may not be rafting the Moose this weekend.  How things have changed over the years.  Thirty years ago there was six or more rafting companies running the Moose in the spring and now we're down to one.  One of the companies was Eastern River out of Maine.  They would move their operation to Old Forge for four weeks just to run the class five rapids.

Today's Video...............

Monday, April 15, 2024

Sled is all tucked away............

 Got my sled back from Don's, it's all serviced and ready to go for next year.  Had to replace a wheel and slides.  Besides that everything was all good.

Today's Video............... 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Was it?

 Watch the time lapse for the top of McCauley and give me your thoughts.  It almost looks like there was some snow mixed in with the rain for a short time.

Today's Video..................

Saturday, April 13, 2024

We got it............

Had enough rain to bring the river up.  More about that in the video.  Our kids are back to school next week.  So, there should be a little more action going on around town to watch in the video.

Today's Video............

Friday, April 12, 2024

Got enough...........

We've had enough rain over the last day or so for the rafting trips to be a go this weekend.    It won't be at a crazy level, but it will be a fun ride.  I have seen years when pieces of ice the size of a small car floating down the river with the rafts.  Now that's at the crazy level!

Today's Video.............

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Cut short again.............

 Can you believe it, we didn't get the half inch of rain predicted for today. Maybe we'll get the 3/4 of it predicted for Friday.

Today's Video................

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Normal April.............

We're back to normal April weather with cloudy days and liquid coming from the sky.  Last weekends rafting trip was canceled due to lack of water in the river.  I'm hoping we get enough rain the next few days to get this week's trip in.

Today's Video..............

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Spring for a day................

The grandkids enjoyed the day riding bikes and playing in the sand box.  But that will be coming to an end for the next week with R predicted 9 out of 10 days.

Today's Video.............

Monday, April 8, 2024

It's still break..........

 Our kids don't get much of a break from school in February like most areas.  Most of us work at or own a business and can't take time off during snowmobile season.  So in April the kids get two weeks off and they are still on spring break from school.  It was busy in town the last few days but starting tommorrow it's back to a ghost town.

Today Video..............

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Please one more..............

 Please mother nature can we have one more day like today for the eclipse on Monday!  Ken picked up a new toy.  I haven't seen one like this before.  I have to say it's pretty silk.

Today's Video.............

Saturday, April 6, 2024

One word days are over...............

 I set an alarm for 2:45pm this afternoon to check where the sun will be and where will be a good viewing point for the eclipse.  It went off and for the life on me I couldn't remember why I set it.  I sure do miss the days when you wrote down just one word as a reminder to do something.

Today's Video..............

No power..........

 Sorry about no post yesterday.  Power went out at 1:15pm from a bus crash in Otter Lake.  Didn't come back on till 10:45pm.  More about it here: (14) Oneida County Emergency Dispatch | Facebook

Here are some pics for those of you that aren't on facebook.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Cross your fingers..............

 Ok so they didn't get the forecast correct for the snow totals.  Not anything new for this winter.  But cross your fingers for us that they get it correct for Monday.  They're expected to have around 100,000 people in the area for the eclipse.   Just think how happy all those people will be if it's cloudy and R coming out of the sky.

Today's Video...............

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Right on the money.......................

 If you want to call it that.  If I remember correctly, we should have seen a good shot of snow this evening and so far, we have a quarter of an inch at best.  What we do have isn't really snow it's more of a sleet.  We have gotten some good blast of wind and the power has flickered a few times this evening.

Today's Video................

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

How much.................


* WHAT...Heavy snow and mixed precipitation possible. Total snow
accumulations of 5 to 10 inches and ice accumulations of around
one tenth of an inch possible. Winds could gust as high as 45 to
60 mph, especially in the northern Berkshires.

* WHERE...The northern Berkshires of western Massachusetts,
northern Herkimer County, northern Fulton County, the Saratoga
Glens Falls area, Helderbergs, Schoharie Valley and eastern
Catskills of eastern New York.

* IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous
conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. Strong
winds could cause extensive damage to trees and power lines.

* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Mixed precipitation will change to snow
Wednesday evening. Snow will then become heavy at times into
Thursday. Maximum snowfall rates could exceed one inch per hour
at times.

Storm watch still has us getting a fair amount of snow.  Will this be the forecast that is on the money?  I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it to come true.  Something else to factor in is the amount of R they are calling for before it changes over to snow.  The ground is going to be soaked, so how much snow will melt before it starts to stick.

Today's Video..............

Monday, April 1, 2024

There dropping..........


* WHAT...Heavy snow and mixed precipitation possible. Total snow
accumulations of 7 inches or greater and ice accumulations of a
light glaze possible. Winds could gust as high as 50 mph,
especially in the southern Green Mountains and northern

* WHERE...The western and southern Adirondacks, Schoharie Valley,
Helderbergs and eastern Catskills in eastern New York, the
northern Berkshires in western Massachusetts, and all of
southern Vermont.

Like always the snow totals are dropping. The 8" on Weather Underground has gone away and we're down to 4".

Let's see who is paying attention and can tell me what's missing in the video?

Today's Video...........

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Didn't work..............

 I put in the settings for the Point Park image to save so I could use it for a time lapse.  But for some reason I didn't work.  I'll check the settings on Monday and see why it didn't work.  Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

Today's Video................

Saturday, March 30, 2024

No Snow............

The site I get the snow cover map from wasn't working tonight.  So, no snow coverage comparison in tonight's video.  

Today's Video............

Friday, March 29, 2024

What do you think?

 I was thinking about dropping the trail cam time lapse and putting in one of the other cams during the none snow time of the year.  I like show activity and what's going on in the area.  What do you think and which one should I add in?

Today's Video........

Thursday, March 28, 2024

If it does............

 Long range forecast is showing possible snow a week out.  At this point all that is going to do is be a pain in the butt and make the heat run.  What does look good in the forecast is R days before the weekend.  Why is that good?  They start running rafting trips on the Moose River and the R keeps the water level up for a good trip.  Because there isn't any snow left to melt off to keep the river level up.

Today's Video...............

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

What can I say..............

 There isn't much to talk about today.  The sun was out and we had warm temps.  So the snow we do still have around is going fast.

Today's Video................

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Talked to much............

 I didn't time my ending very good tonight and I cut myself short.  No See Ya tonight.  Had this link passed on to me and it has some interesting reading in it.

Today's Video...............

Monday, March 25, 2024

Are they?

At 2pm there are two sleds sitting on the side of the trail on the trail cam.  I'm guessing they'll be the last sled sightings for this season.  Because things started melting fast this afternoon with clear skies and warm temps.

Today's Video...............

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Short lived snow............

 The end is coming again because of a lack of snow and the gates will close for the season in 7 days.  I thought about waiting till today to get in the last ride of the season.  Because the video would have been much nicer with the sun out.  But I'm glad I didn't wait, because the sun did a number on the fresh snow today.

Today's Video....

Saturday, March 23, 2024

I got it.............

 I was really hoping for one more ride this season and this round of snow made it possible to get it in. Clipped off 20 miles this afternoon playing around on the local trails.  

Today's Video...................

Friday, March 22, 2024

Any time now..............

Saturday morning update.  Measurement on deck this morning was 5 inches. 


* WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation expected. Total snow
accumulations of 8 to 14 inches and ice accumulations of
around one tenth of an inch.

* WHERE...Northern Herkimer, Hamilton, Northern Warren and
Northern Washington Counties.

* WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 11 PM EDT Saturday.

* IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult due to snow and ice
covered roadways and reduced visibility. The heavy wet snow may
lead to some downed tree limbs, resulting in some power

* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snowfall rates may approach one inch per
hour late tonight into early Saturday.

It's 8:30 pm when I'm making this post and the snow hasn't started yet.  I should say we've had snow in the air, but nothing that is going to amount to anything.  You'll see in the radar clip that it's been going around us so far.

Today's Video..............

Gates are open...........

 Gates to the Webb Snowmobile Trail System will be OPEN after noon today, except for Trail #10 (NYS DEC). Machine grooming is not possible, but trail crews have been out since daybreak cleaning debris and blow-down.

CAUTION: Watch for blow-down not yet cleared, and hazards under the snow.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Here we go again.............


* WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation possible. Total snow and sleet
accumulations of 7 or more inches and ice accumulations of a
light glaze.

* WHERE...Northern Herkimer, Hamilton and Northern Warren

* WHEN...From Friday evening through Saturday evening.

* IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult.

* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow will overspread the region Friday
night and may briefly transition to a wintry mix in some areas
Saturday morning before changing back to snow Saturday afternoon
before ending.

At least for once the storm watch and the regular forecast are predicting around the same amount of snow.  Regular forecast is calling for 8 to 13 inches.  Let's see how this one turns out. Most times they aren't even close.

Today's Video............

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

I forgot............

You would think this was my first post of the season.  I forgot to include the snow total from this morning.  I started shoveling off the deck each morning around the same time to get a snow total for the day.  This morning wasn't that big of a day, I'd give it 2 inches tops.

Today's Video..................

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Month late.............


* WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches.

* WHERE...Northern Herkimer and Hamilton Counties.

* WHEN...Until 8 PM EDT Wednesday.

* IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Travel could be
very difficult.

* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow will increase tonight with snowfall
rates a half an inch to an inch per hour briefly. A lull may
occur after day break but scattered heavy snow showers and an
isolated snow squall may impact the western Adirondacks in the
afternoon with gusty winds and reduced visibilities with
additional snow accumulations.

A few people called today wanting to know if the trails will reopen if we get snow.
This is from the towns website about the trails reopening.

We received 3 inches of snow yesterday and last night, which is melting now. Snow forecasted today and tomorrow, with accumulations of 4 to 7 inches. That is being evaluated daily, but probably will not be enough to open the trail system and provide safe riding conditions. Temps in the 40s and rain returns next week.

There is no base, only 2 to 6 inches layer of mud on the trails remains unfrozen.

Today's Video................

Monday, March 18, 2024

Could it be?

 Is this going to be the forecast that they get correct for the winter.  Because we all know the snow totals have not even been close this winter so far.  We got the 1 to 2 they called for today and tonight they're saying another 1 to 3.  We'll see in the morning if they are correct.  By the end of the week we could see just shy of a foot if we get what is predicted.

Today's Video.................

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Got numbers..............

 Believe it or not we have snow in the forecast for the next six days and some days with amounts.  Will we get it is another story all together.  My guess is we'll get it or more.  Just because we really can't do much with it at this point besides look at it.

Today's Video................

Saturday, March 16, 2024

It's returning..................

 Starting Sunday night, it looks like we'll be back to winter for a week.  With most of the days not even getting above freezing during the day and teens to low teens at night.  What the heck let's even through in some snow with it to.  March came in like a lamb, will it go out like a lion?

Today's Video..............

Friday, March 15, 2024

Almost looks like.............

 I can't say for sure, but it almost looks like the ice is gone on 1st lake.  Keep a close eye on the end of McCauley time lapse and see what you think.  It's still hanging in there on 4th lake up at Nelsons. A few people have asked me where Nelsons is at.  For those of you that don't know, it's to the left of the state boat ramp in Inlet.

Today's Video..............

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Enjoyed it...............

I have to say I enjoyed the last few days of sun and warmth.  By the way the forecast is looking I better keep those thoughts of sun and warmth in my mind.  Because it looks like it's going to be a week before we see the sun again.

Today's Video.........

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Not again...............

Forecast is predicting starting late Sunday into Monday we'll be back to winter temps and snow.  We had a high of 61 today.  So when the temps drop back below freezing and snows it really feels extra cold after the temps we had the last few days.  

Today's Video................

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Thought so...........

 Just as I thought, the sun cooked off Monday's snow and the only place it's left is in the shade.  The lakes didn't open up very much today with the sun and warm temps.

Today's Video..............

Monday, March 11, 2024

Batting 1000.................

 The forecast didn't let us down and get it correct this time either.  We didn't even get the 7 of the 7 to 14 that was predicted.  It's white and looks like winter again at least for a short time.  I'm guessing it will be gone in a day or two.

Today's Video............

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Guess what...............

It's snowing, but we haven't seen the 7 to 14 that was in the winter storm warning.  To be fair the warning is up till 8pm Monday.  The newest warning is still calling for 2 to 8 more by 8pm Monday.  Who knows we may see it.  At 10pm I'd say we got 2 to 3 so far.  

Today's Video................

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Even with..............

 There was a good turnout for SnoFest even with the lack of snow.  It's sad that people couldn't do the demo rides this year.  Because that always seems to be a big hit, by the size of the lines to do them.  Is this going to be the storm that the forecast is correct and we get the 7 to 14 predicted in the winter storm warning?

Today's video.........

Friday, March 8, 2024

What the heck!


* WHAT...Heavy wet snow possible. Total snow accumulations of 7 or
more inches possible. Winds could gust as high as 45 mph.

The time for the jumpers has been changed to 2pm on Saturday afternoon.  Hoping to beat the R. that is predicted to change over to snow Saturday night.

Today's Video.............

Thursday, March 7, 2024

If you're wondering..........

 For those of you that may be wondering about SnoFest.   It's a go and the 2025 sleds have arrived for you to check out.  Also don't forget about the jumpers Saturday afternoon at 3pm.

Today's Video..............

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Cut it out........

 I didn't scan the parking lot this morning and at this point there isn't much to see out there.

Today's Video...............

Monday, March 4, 2024

10 Day.............

The 10 day forecast takes us out to the middle of the month.  I hate to say it, but there isn't any snow in it to really talk about.  I'm not giving up hope just yet for that last ride of the year.  But the odds are getting worse by the day.

Today's Video.............

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Will there be...............

 Rafting season starts in four weeks and the thousand-dollar question is.  Will there be enough water in the river to have rafting?  Because the snowpack will be gone and we'll have to count on R to get the river flowing.

Today's Video...................

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Quiet in town..............

 How quiet is it?  One of the clerks at the post office commented that they have been slow this winter and felt it was because of the lack of snow.

Today's Video...............

Friday, March 1, 2024

Winter this morning.............

 It still felt like winter this morning, by afternoon we warmed back up and it felt like spring again.  By Saturday afternoon any of the new snow we just got will be gone and we'll be back to the ugly once again.

Today's Video..........

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Three still down............

 We had high winds and the power was on and off last night.  Stillwater, McCauley and the Trail cam are offline at this time.  Hoping to get McCauley and the Trail back online Friday.  Let's see who is paying attention.  What's missing in today's video?

Today's Video................

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

One Day..........

 Winter has returned but it won't be here long.  By the way the forecast looks, by Friday it will feel like spring again.  At 8:15pm we do have a good band of lake effect in the area.  I included still pics from 8:05 showing the snow. 

Today's Video.....................

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

What I missed............

 The end of the video has pictures of what I missed in yesterday's video and what others saw that I didn't see.

Today's Video>>>>>>>

Monday, February 26, 2024

It's sad...........

 To see the snow conditions going downhill the way they have over the last week, just isn't good for your mental health.  Because we won't be jumping into spring in the near future.  We'll just have to look at the ugly before spring does get here.

I watched the video three time and then I saw it.  What did I see?  

Today's Video................

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Looks close.............

 At first, I thought today was going to be the first day with no sled sightings.  But after watching the information center video very closely.  I did see one sled and noticed the tracks change a few times. It makes you wonder what a sled ever did to its rider for them to take it out in these conditions.  I know there's one sled that will never be ridden again for sure.  It burnt up last night just before the bridge on North Street.

Today's Video...............

Saturday, February 24, 2024

And it begins............

 The snow has iced over and isn't much good for snowmobiling.  So, the waiting game begins waiting for some new snow to ride on again.  Don't give up hope on the season yet.  We've had some good storms in March over the years.  Most March storms have heavy wet snow and can bring riding conditions around fast.

Today's Video.............

Friday, February 23, 2024

Not our friend............

 I was hoping to get the entire day without the sun.  But that didn't happen and most of the afternoon we had clear skies and it melted away more of the snow we didn't need to lose. 

Saturday morning update.  The temps dropped over night and it's 7 at 8:30am.  What was a soft mess yesterday is or will be frozen back up today with the high in the teens today.

Today's Video...................

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Looks Like.........................

 Not that I want to do a Dave.  But as I'm doing this post at 10:22 pm on Thursday night. It looks like this weekend is going to be a bust.  I have lived here long enough to know and have seen it can change overnight.  But at this point I don't see it in the forecast for it to come around.

Today's Video....................

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Riding again.............

Ken updated his sled and he wanted to try it out.  So, we went out for a short ride to see how he liked it.  Put on 28 miles playing around on the trails south of pipeline and trail 1.  My take is he likes it.

Today's Video..........

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Quick 25............

 Took a quick ride this afternoon to get some video.  The sun today wasn't our friend that is for sure.

Today's Video............

Monday, February 19, 2024

Easy 75...........

Went out for a ride tonight and put on an easy 75 miles.  Was out for 5 hours including a stop at Stillwater for dinner.  We saw four groomers doing the best they can with the limited snow they have to work with.

Today's Video............

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Not bad...............

 I have to say the weekend turned out a lot better than I thought it was going to be.  When you figure Thursday morning you could see grass in spots in the front yard. Since then, we got around 10 inches of new snow, and it was just enough to bring things around.

Today's Video................

Saturday, February 17, 2024


 Wednesday isn't looking that great, but the rest of the week looks like it should turn out OK.

Today's Video..............

Friday, February 16, 2024

Just in time............

 The snow we got saved the weekend. Are we going to have normal mid-February conditions? No What we do have is beginning of the season snow conditions, that started out with a marginal base.  Not the best, but better than nothing.

Today's Video...............

We're in the range.........

 My official count is 6 to 7 inches on the ground and the forecast is calling for up to another 2 inches before it ends.  The gates are open, let the fun begin.  Ride safe as there is solid ice under this new snow in many areas.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Cross your fingers...........

 It's snowing, now all we can hope for is it snows till 1pm Friday like the storm warning is calling for.


* WHAT...Heavy snow. Snow accumulations of 5 to 10 inches. Winds
gusting as high as 45 mph.

* WHERE...Northern Herkimer and Hamilton Counties.

Today's Video.........

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Will it?

 The thousand-dollar question is.  Will we get enough snow Thursday into Friday to open the trails for the weekend.  If we get the up to 9 inches I would say yes.  How good will it be, all depends on the type of snow we get and that you never know till it's on the ground.

Today's Video.................

We're white again!

 Got lake effect over night and I'd give it 2 to 3 inches.  Like always video later on.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

It's white.............

 We had some snow this evening.  Not enough to break the sleds out.  But at least it's white again.  Ten day is showing snow towards the end of the week. But at this time, it doesn't look like enough to save the weekend.

Today's Video................

Monday, February 12, 2024

My Guess........

 I'm guessing that most of the people getting the snow would be happy if we got it and not them.  It sure has been a long dry spell, that is for sure.

Today's Video............

Sunday, February 11, 2024

It's below...............

 The temps have dropped below freezing and things are freezing back down.   The last few days hit us hard when it comes to the base.  It didn't take it all out, but there are bare spots out there.  Cross your fingers we see some snow on Monday and Tuesday.  If not, Thursday looks like the next chance to see some.

Today's Video.........

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Seeing double..........

 At first there was one red tent and now we have two.  I know there hasn't been much to report or show everyone.  But I like to show each day so you can see what we have going on.  On another note, the storm that is headed east can always change track.  So don't give up hope yet.  I know wishful thinking.

Today's Video..............

Friday, February 9, 2024

Found one.............

 Sad as it is I did find one plus to the lack of snow in the area.   Went out with some friends for dinner tonight and we didn't have to wait for a table on a Friday night in February.  But the truth of the matter is we need to see some snow.  Not just for the money it brings to the area.  But for the water table levels also.

Today's Video.................

Thursday, February 8, 2024

What the heck...........

 Forecast was looking good for next week.  But now it's changing every time you look at it.  Where the heck is all the precipitation?

Today's Video...............

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Could it be?

 Forecast is showing snow for us next week.  Could the snow drought be over for us and we're back to winter?  Only time will tell, but I sure hope so. I'm not one to sit around much and waiting for it to snow is getting old.

Toady's Video..............

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Last one...........

 Today was the last of the full days of sun for the week.  We should have some cloud cover the rest of the week, which will help slow down the melting.  Go back three days and look at the snow on the railing at Stillwater.  We've lost some snow, but not as much as you would think with the warm temps and sun the last few days.

Today's Video..............

Monday, February 5, 2024

One down.................

 It was sunny all day and Tuesday looks the same.  Doesn't look like we'll return to winter weather till Sunday.  Cross your fingers that we don't have to start building base all over again.

Today's Video................

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Going to be.............

 The long-range forecast is just plain upsetting for the upcoming week.  Looks like another week of no snow and warm temps.  I don't know who pissed of Mother Nature or Old Man Winter.  But would you please make up with them!

Today's Video............


Saturday, February 3, 2024

The few............

If town saw a normal weekend of sled traffic the trails wouldn't have lasted more than a few hours.  But with the limited traffic the few that did come to town had an enjoyable day of riding. 

Today's Video..............

Friday, February 2, 2024

More than............

 I was surprised to see the number of sleds in Stillwater's parking lot today.  Not sure where they came from.  As I only heard a few sleds on my end of town today.  But happy to see them there.  

Today's Video............

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Another one..............

 Well, it going to be another honey do list weekend again.  We still have two months before the season comes to an end.  I cut it to close at the end of the video.  So, there's no "see ya" at the end today.

Today's Video................

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Be Safe.........

 I said the wrong day in the video.  I said Thursday when I should have said Wednesday morning.  A man from NJ went off the trail and hit a tree on trial 5 early Wednesday morning and he passed away.

Today's Video............

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

What date is it?

 You would think it was the night before Christmas with as quiet as it is around town with the lack of snow.

Today's Video...........

Monday, January 29, 2024

I'm here.............

 Wasn't much going on around here over the weekend with the lack of snow. Chelsea was here holding down the fort.  So, I went to a birthday party for a friend that turned 94.  Cross your fingers that Thursday turns into something more than what they are predicting, or we'll be sitting around another weekend again.

Today's Video................

Thursday, January 25, 2024

May not want to........

 Not sure if you should look at today's video or not.  If you're one of those people that get really upset when the trail conditions, go downhill.  It may be best if you don't look at today's video.  It's not a wash out, but conditions have changed in the last 24 hours.

Today's Video........

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

How long?

Did you notice the sled sitting in the parking lot at Stillwater for three days now.    Funny what you pick up on when you get watching the cameras.  This is going to be a honey do list weekend for sure with the weather that is headed our way.

Today's Video...........

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Wait and see..............

Tuesday night the conditions over all are pretty good.  Now it's a wait and see on what we get over the next few days for weather and what damage will be done.  I'm hoping we just see light R or drizzle.  Even though we may miss out on a weekend of riding.  It could be a blessing on building some more base.  As the trails were pretty loose tonight and depending on the temps, it could help tighten them up.

Today's video...............

Monday, January 22, 2024

Light snow.............

 Went out for a ride tonight to Stillwater.  Put on 55 miles and over all I'd say conditions are pretty good.  When you figure the amount of traffic the trails saw this weekend.  Around 6pm light snow moved into the area.  

Today's Video..............

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Pretty sunny day................

 Had sun today, but with the cold temps it really didn't do any damage.  It did however make for some really nice trail video.

Today's Video............

Saturday, January 20, 2024

On 4th Lake.............

People started running 4th lake this weekend, so trail 5 is going to get a break.  I'm keeping an eye on the mid-week forecast.  If we see just drizzle and not R, it could help on building more base.  It's a few days out yet, so who knows what we'll see.

Today's Video...........

Friday, January 19, 2024

Good thing..........

 With the number of trailers that have been coming into town today.  It's a good thing that we're going to have below zero temps this weekend.  It will help hold the trails together with the amount of traffic they're going to get.  

Today's Video.............

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Quiet in the office...........

 Lots of phone calls but didn't see many guests coming into the office today.  Everyone was out riding and enjoying the conditions we have at this time.

Today's Video.............

Holly Cow!!!!!!!

 Stillwater got hammered over night!  More later.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Don't be............

 There is going to be a lot of sleds out there this weekend. Please ride safe and keep right!  Don't be an accident waiting to happen.  All it takes is a split second and you can get yourself into trouble.   Trust me I know, because I have done it.  I've been lucky and have walked away from my mishaps.  But I can't say the same for the sled that I was riding. The Fire Dept is bringing in someone that crashed on trail 1 as I'm posting this tonight.

Today's Video..............

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Fun by all...........

 The reports I'm hearing is over all the conditions are pretty good.  The snow we got today was light weight lake effect and even with it being light weight, it helped improve condition a lot.  Looks like more of it over the next few days.

Today's Video...............

Monday, January 15, 2024

No frowns...........

Didn't have one frown face come into the office, sorry they came up to ride.  The cold temps this week will hold the conditions we have till next week and it looks like we'll be getting snow the next three days.

Today's Video.........

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Parking lot is full............

 Looks like we'll have the next week of riding for sure.  With cold temps, cloudy days and snow on and off.  

Today's Video............

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Going forward.........

Hopefully all the warm temps and R are behind us for the rest of the season.  

All we can do is cross our fingers and hope we get it!  The sad part is this was a every other day event 20 years ago.


* WHAT...Heavy lake effect snow expected. Total snow accumulation
of 6 to 12 inches near and north of Route 28, although locally
higher amounts possible north of Stillwater Reservoir. Winds
gusting as high as 45 mph.

* WHERE...Northern Herkimer County.

* WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Monday.

Today's Video.........

Just a heads up.............

 We lost power over night and I'm having a problem with the server for the webcams also.  So, some of the cameras are working and others aren't.  Live camera is on at motel, Rec. Center, Stillwater, McCauley base and Summit are all on at this time.  It may be Monday before I can get everything back online.  The people I need to talk to don't work on the weekend.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Let's hope!

 After the predicted R for early Saturday morning, cross your fingers we get enough snow to fix whatever damage the R does.  I'm hoping we don't have another winter, that the crappy weather always shows up just before the weekend and everyone has to make a last second decision if they are coming up or not.

Today's Video...............

Gates are open!

 Talked to trail foreman this morning, the gates are open and the groomers are out packing the trails.  More later.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Don't think..........

 You'll see on the info center video a few sleds outside.  I'm guessing they stopped in to see why the gate was closed and I'm guessing it didn't make them very happy.  Cross your fingers we get limited or no R Saturday morning and the gates get opened Friday morning.

Today's Video............


 Just talked with the trail foreman and the plan, at this time, is to open the gates Friday morning if trials freeze back down.  There are still a lot of trees down and many water/slush areas.  By keeping the gates closed till Friday they are hoping for more of the water to drain off and not have what base we do have destroyed.


* WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches.
Total accumulations 3 to 6 inches in a few locations.

* WHERE...Northern Herkimer County.

* WHEN...Until 6 PM EST this evening.

* IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions due to snow covered
roads. Travel could be difficult.

* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The heaviest snow will fall from Route 28
and Old Forge northward to Stillwater Reservoir.