Thursday, December 26, 2024

One more day.............

 Went out for a ride this evening and zipped off 26 miles.  By the trails I went on, I'd give the trails a little better rating than the town report.  I'm guessing we'll have one more day before things start to go downhill.

Today's Video....................


  1. So can someone please let me know if you can drive your truck on trail one and three during the summer months? I imagine that it’s not allowed because it would make ruts in the road. How about MRP? Just curious.

    1. By my understanding, 1 and 3 are open for hiking and biking, no motorized vehicles. MRP is open to drive through.

    2. Thanks for the info.

  2. Doom and gloom just gotta make it through this 3-4 day warmup and we’re back to winter

  3. Get it today boys as mother nature is going to spank us hard for the 3rd time this season.

  4. Cold warm, warm cold. This is the reason I sold my house and sleds face it its very hit or miss not worth it for me driving 4.5 hours ok have fun

  5. These winters are awful anymore

  6. This is crap the last 7 years have sucked

    1. Then take up another sport you cry baby 😭

  7. You know what I saw on ADK snowmobile page it was a groomer, Grooming what was believed to be snowmobile trails ? It looks strangely familiar almost like I’ve seen something similar before ? It reminded me of a UTV side by side ? Has anyone else seen something like this, then I thought if they can use it on the trails to smooth them out without damaging them why couldn’t you just drive one around? Hum !!!

    1. Well there is really no reason that i can see. But look at what's trying to run the town and figure it out,,it's as easy as ABC

  8. Im going to Maine in Jan north by Canada

  9. Here comes the side by side whiner's

  10. I’m so glad that I’m able to invest @ 45 k into items that I can never use does anyone know where I can get a 8 track player and a blockbuster subscription? Anyone?
