We had light snow all day, but it really didn't amount up to much. The big plus that I noticed, is there really isn't to many people out giving it the old college try. So things are getting a chance to freeze down with the colder temps we have seen today.
Hope everyone has a Happy and Safe New Years Eve!
Today's Video.......
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Something different...........
The video for today is of something you may only see once in a life time. As for the weather, it all depends on where the lake effect sets up and how long it sticks around, if we'll be riding this weekend or not. It did get above freezing today, but we didn't have a total melt down from it.
Today's Video........
Today's Video........
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Got some............
The main part of the front/storm is past us and we got about 3" from it. Not much, but it's good wet snow for making base. The thing that I'm really watching, is whats going to happen starting Thursday. We could be talking feet, not inches for snow totals.
Today's Video..............
Today's Video..............
Monday, December 28, 2015
It's on our doorstep...........
At 8:40pm the snow line is just to our south and it looks like snow all night. You'll see in the video that we had a dusting of snow over night and our temps have been below freezing all day. So things have started to freeze down some today. The big question is, what will we see when it's all said and done. I'm hoping we see the snow and ice pellets. That would be a better base starter than just plain snow. But we don't need to see any freezing R. That's not good for anything, beside OT for the line and tree crews.
Today's Video..............
Today's Video..............
Friday, December 25, 2015
Looks like............
Pretty many people asked Santa for a trade in gifts. Because the forecast looks like the temps are going to drop next week.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Now I know...........
What it's like to spend Christmas in Florida. We hit 60 today, but the long range forecast is calling for the temps to start dropping next week. So cross your fingers and ask Santa to keep one of your gifts. In it's place ask him for cold temps and snow. Over the years, I have rolled out new things around Christmas time. This year I have mostly done things that you can't really see, but things that keep everything up and running smoothly. There is one thing that you can see and I'm surprised no one has said anything about it. Who knows what it is?
Today's Video..............
Today's Video..............
Monday, December 21, 2015
It was........
Looking like Christmas, but I don't think it's going to for long. When I starting working on this report there was light snow in the air, but now it's changed over to R and it doesn't look like it's going to get any better soon. So let's focus on the upcoming holiday and all the fun it has to offer. Because letting this weather bring you down, isn't going to change anything. All it will do is make you a Scrooge.
Today's Video........
Today's Video........
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Got it..............
For now...but for how long is the big question. One thing is for sure, it really has made it look like Christmas around here. This lake effect event has been in our area and to the south for the most part. North of us didn't get that much and there are some areas over on the hill that have seen two feet so far. Out front we are just short of a foot at 6pm. They are calling for lake effect till Sunday morning. So only time will tell on how much we will see when it's all said and done.
Today's Video............
Today's Video............
Monday, December 14, 2015
Fun Weekend...........
It's always a toss up on Snodeo weekend if you'll be able to ride or not. This year it was a not, but everyone still had a great weekend and now it's time for the waiting game. Waiting for that first good dump, so we all can get out and ride. It looks like there is some snow coming, but will it stick around is the question.
Today's Video..........
Today's Video..........
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Snodeo 2015
Hard to believe it's Snodeo weekend already, you sure can't tell by the weather, that's for sure. But you can by the amount of sled trailers that have been coming into town or by the vendors setting up at North Street for the show. This isn't the first and I'm sure not the last Snodeo without riding. But this may be the one to hold the record for the highest temp. Looks like we're going to be in the 40's and maybe even hit 50 over the weekend.
Today's video............
Today's video............
Thursday, December 3, 2015
It's trying.......
If you didn't see it, we've had some snow on and off today and it has been sticking to the cars and grass. But as I'm sure you've also seen, it looks like another warm up this weekend. So think of this weather pattern like this. The warm temps are going to keep the great lakes that much warmer and when the cold air does settle in, the lake effect machine will be just that much stronger. Hey it sounds good, so just go with it.
Today's Video........
Today's Video........
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Let it snow.......
The snow stick is back up and I also put new lights on it. A reminder for everyone, the pool fence is four feet high and the snow stick is five feet, with the foot markings being lite at every foot on the stick. How deep will it get this season? Who the heck knows and only time will tell for sure.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving !
Hope everyone has a great holiday and you eat lots and nap well.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Cold and snowing all day, but not adding up to much. Not that it matters, as it looks like a warm up by the end of the week. If you haven't noticed, the temp on the webcam page is way off. I contacted weather underground about it and they are no longer using that weather widgit. So I'll be changing that over to a different widget in the very near future. For those of you that can't get a look during the daylight hours. Here's a few pics and video of what it's looking like today. Notice the ice on Gray Lake is covering a much larger area today.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Nothing this time..............
Well the lake effect didn't turn out to be much over night. But the cold temps have moved into the area. It's 22 at 9:45 am and the low this morning was 17. Stillwater did get a thin layer of white and the top of McCauley got just a dusting. After looking at some of the other area cams. I don't think anyone really saw much of anything from the lake. But take a look at the third pic. It looks like there is some ice starting to form on Gray Lake.

Sunday, November 22, 2015
We might.........
As you can see in the below pic, Stillwater has been seeing some lake effect this morning and the forecast is calling for it later today into Monday. In the McCauley pic, you can see it off in the distance to the north. Will it move into our area? Keep an eye on the cams to see what happens. We've been on borrowed time and it won't be long before Old Man Winter moves into the the area.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Getting down to the line!
It's not to late....yet! You can still get the pre season trail permit online till 11:59 pm on the 15th. Then it goes to full price, 80 bucks. So if you for got, here's your chance to save 15 dollars. Heck....it's half a tank of gas for free, at today's price. Hope all is well with everyone. It won't be long and I'll be posting daily.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
First one of the season.....
Thursday morning we woke up to a frost and this morning we had our first snow of the season. It started out light this morning but by afternoon it was enough to stick and make everything white. One of our guests had spent the day kayaking on the river over towards Port Lyden and he said the sun was out just about the whole day over there. You'll see in the video that the bands of snow moved all over the place today.
Today's Video..............
Today's Video..............
Monday, September 28, 2015
It won't be long............
Most areas are still seeing green leaves and just starting to see some cooler weather. But here in the north country, we are well into fall and I'd say our leaves are about 50% changed at this time. So it won't be long and the white stuff will be knocking at the door.
A local company called Adirondack Mountain Productions put together this video to highlight how beautiful fall is in the area. Hope you enjoy it!
A local company called Adirondack Mountain Productions put together this video to highlight how beautiful fall is in the area. Hope you enjoy it!
Monday, May 11, 2015
Getting some..........
We're getting some much needed rain this afternoon, as it is very dry in the Old Forge area. I caught this rainbow on the Stillwater cam and thought I'd share it. Hope everyone is having a great spring.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
The season has started...........
I was enjoying the warmth, but it's gone for now!
Today's Video.........
Today's Video.........
Monday, March 30, 2015
Winters back for now.......................
Who's the wise guy? Who ever it is, would you PLEASE stop the dancing!
Today's Video.............
Today's Video.............
Sunday, March 29, 2015
A few more............
There was a few more trailers parked at North St today, than yesterday. So what are they riding on? By what I'm hearing, some of the trails aren't all that bad and other you don't want to even think about going on. Spring time conditions can be a blast and if you live close by, why not enjoy it. It's better than sitting at home and looking at the TV.
Today's Video.............
Today's Video.............
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Bragging rights...............
The closing weekend of the season is here and believe it or not, there has been a few people getting in that last ride. Giving them the bragging rights that they rode till the very end of the 2015 season.
Today's Video........
Today's Video........
Friday, March 27, 2015
Just because it's predited............
Some of the forecasts had us getting 3 to 6 inches after the R changed back over to snow on Thursday. But guess what, just because it's predicted doesn't mean it's going to happen and it didn't. So the fat lady has taken the stage for this season.
Today's Video.........
Today's Video.........
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Something different...........
Got something a little different for the video today, hope you enjoy it.
Today's Video...............
Today's Video...............
Monday, March 23, 2015
What date is it?
If there was a bunch of sleds running around today, you would of thought it was peak snowmobile season, because the weather sure felt like it was. Mud season should be interesting this year, as the frost line is very deep. Nothing better than having the yard turn into pudding.
Today's Video............
Today's Video............
Sunday, March 22, 2015
I could be..............
By what I'm seeing in the forecast. We won't be riding till the very end of the season, like we did last year. But I could be wrong and only time will tell.
Today's Video.........
Today's Video.........
For Sale
SOLD 2012 Polaris Rush Pro-R 600cc with 3450 miles. Handguards, handlebar bag, trunk
bag, 96 studs, Electric start, reverse, fairly new carbides. One
owner excllent shape. Old Forge and Maine ridden only. Snowmobile is located in
North Jersey. $6200 Call or text with questions. 551-486-7593 Jason
Friday, March 20, 2015
Only a dusting...............
We had light snow in the air today and we've seen a dusting from it. The snowmobile races in Inlet last weekend had to be rescheduled and they will be this weekend. If you have any thoughts of getting in some more riding, you better do it real soon. Because by what I'm seeing, by mid week things are really going to be going down hill.
Today's Video...............
Today's Video...............
Thursday, March 19, 2015
I'm early.............
I ran out of hours yesterday and didn't get time to do a report. So I figured I'd do it early today to make up for it. There has been a few people out riding and if you know your way around you are able to get in some miles. Miles that are more than just riding around in circles on the inner trails. But you are limited as we are into spring time conditions.
Today's Video..................
Today's Video..................
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Winters back............
It was spring like this morning, but winter returned mid morning and with it came some snow.
Today's Video..............
Today's Video..............
Monday, March 16, 2015
Just a few............
There has been a few sleds running around town today, but not many. The snow we got yesterday melted away today with the 40 degree temps. It looks like more snow tonight into tomorrow and the next few days should be cold enough to keep it around. So we should have some spring time conditions for the next few days, but after that who knows.
Today's Video...........
Today's Video...........
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Got some...............
After the short shot of R last night, the temps dropped back down. Then we saw some snow and that went into most of the day today. Nothing big and I'd give it an inch maybe two at best. But at least it made things look pretty again and gave us some cooling for the slides. Everyone seemed to have a good time this weekend and got in some miles.
Today's Video.................
Today's Video.................
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Just a fast.............
We went from so so conditions in the beginning of February, to great conditions in a matter of a few days. The same can be said for the end of the season, with the way things have gone down hill the last few days.
Today's Video.......
Today's Video.......
Friday, March 13, 2015
SnoFest 2015...............
Another snowmobile season has just about passed us by. December wasn't anything to talk about and January wasn't a whole lot better, but February was one we will remember, that is for sure. The ride I had just last week, was some of the best riding I have seen in a few years.
Today's Video............
Today's Video............
Thursday, March 12, 2015
I got it!
It took some time but I got it. What did I get, watch the video and you'll see. Things have frozen back down for now. How long will it stay that way? Your guess is as good as any ones. I'm hoping long enough so they can do the demo rides at SnoFest this weekend.
Today's Video...........
Today's Video...........
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
For now..........
Spring time conditions are here for now. But it looks like winter will return next week. Our high today was 39 and the low was 33. It's days like this that you really see the effects of the warmer weather, when the temp doesn't drop below freezing at night and the melting goes on around the clock. It does look like the temps will drop tonight and we will have 36 plus hours of below freezing temps, to firm things back up.
Today's Video......
Today's Video......
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Saw the ...........
We saw the effects of the warm weather today, with some melt down of the snow. But I've seen worse melt downs over the years. Is it going to be the end of the season? Your guess is good as any ones. The reports I'm getting, is the trails are holding for now, but the roads are done. So the best thing I can tell you is, ride it while we got it!
Today's video...............
Today's video...............
Monday, March 9, 2015
Had some..........
Overnight we had snow and I'd give it an inch, at this point every little bit helps. Because as we start into spring conditions we need these little dusting to keep things fresh. The high today was 35 and the low over night was 17. Cross your fingers we can keep these swings going in the temps and we should be OK. Because I think the snow we have is going to go fast when it starts, as it never has seen any R or has been defrosted and refrozen.
Today's Video..............
Today's Video..............
Sunday, March 8, 2015
If you have any..............
By what I'm seeing it looks like the end could be near. So if you have any thoughts of getting in some more riding, I'd do it soon. But then we could get another cold snap and bring things back around, with more riding to be had. It's a flip of a coin, you call it.
Today's Video............
Today's Video............
Saturday, March 7, 2015
About a third...........
I forgot to include in the video, that our high today was 21 and the low was 6, which was at midnight. After doing the morning video scan of the parking lot, I took a walk around the lot, looking for trail permits and I'd say a third of the sleds didn't have one or was expired ones from years before. So the free weekend brought some new people to the area. An after thought, I should of also looked to see how many where from out of state, but I didn't.
Today's Video..................
Today's Video..................
Friday, March 6, 2015
Saw a few.............
So far I'd say the free weekend is going over pretty well, as I have seen a few sleds without NY reg. or Old Forge permits on them. Traffic has been right on the mark for a Friday and the weather looks like it's going to hold for the entire weekend.
Today's video...........
Today's video...........
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Can tell you first hand.........
I went out riding today and all I can say is you're missing out if you aren't taking advantage of these conditions. Because it doesn't get any better than it is right now. We left around 10am, had lunch at Pine Tree, did 104 miles and was back at the motel around 4. Pine Tree was very busy for a weekday, so it took about an hour to an hour and a half for lunch.
Today's Video.........
Today's Video.........
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
No one...........
I finished what I started last week and the snow was still easy to shovel off of the roof. But no one should have this much fun in a days time. I know, I'm a sick puppy thinking it's fun to shovel the roof. But it's one of those jobs that when you're all done you can stand back and see what you did.
Today's Video..............
Today's Video..............
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
And it continues.........
What is there to say, besides if you aren't here you're missing out. Traffic has been light today again and the conditions just keep getting better by the day. Next week it looks like we may have a few warm days. Will it hurt the conditions? Who knows, but I can tell you this for sure. We are closer to the end of the season than the beginning. So ride it while we got it!
Today's Video..............
Today's Video..............
Monday, March 2, 2015
We could...........
If the weather keeps going the way it has been, we could have a repeat of last March and have riding right to the very end. Traffic has been light today and those that are here had a great day of riding.
Today's Video..
Today's Video..
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Not much............
There is still a winter weather advisory up for us till 7am Monday. But so far we really haven't seen much from it, but by morning it may be another story.
Today's Video........
Today's Video........
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Not to bad............
I started shoveling the roofs today and I'd say it's the nicest I've ever seen it. The snow that's up there is just that...snow. It's never seen any R or thawed and refrozen even once. So it's like grains of sugar, that is frozen together and it really wasn't all the bad to do. But I only did the house today, let's see if I feel the same after I get done doing the motel.
Today's Video.............
Today's Video.............
Friday, February 27, 2015
If you aren't..............
Another weekend is here and with it, is some of the best riding of the season. It just keeps getting better and better and if you aren't enjoying these conditions, you're missing out. It does look like we may have a spike mid week in the weather, but it looks like it will be very short lived.
Today's Video..............
Today's Video..............
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Big Hit............
I can't speak for the other motels, but it looks like the free weekend is going to be a big hit. I've gotten a lot of calls about it and quite a few reservation. So if you're a Old Forge regular and had any thoughts of coming up next weekend. You may want to call your regular place and set up a reservation soon or you may be shut out by people taking advantage of the free weekend.
Today's Video..............
Today's Video..............
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
It's Official................
It was up in the air, if it was going to happen or not. But I got the phone call around three this afternoon and it's official. The Town of Webb and Inlet trails will also be part of the New York State Free Snowmobiling Weekend on March 7-8, 2015. So if you know of someone that always wanted to try Old Forge/Inlet's trails, but didn't want to pay for a permit. Please pass the word on that this is there chance to see what it's all about and why Old Forge was named one of the top ten snowmobiling destinations by Snowmobile.com.
Today's Video............
Today's Video............
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Events for the weekend...........
This weekend Inlet is having it's Frozen Fire and Lights Event. If you know of any other events, please let me know and I'll pass it along. Traffic has been light today and the cold temps are keeping the conditions at peak. Not much else to report, besides if you aren't getting in some seat time you are missing out.
Today's Video..............
Today's Video..............
Lost and Found...
Did you lose a pair of glasses on the trails. Give me a call 315 369 6138 or send me an email christys@telenet.net
Monday, February 23, 2015
Cold front..........
We had a cold front move in last night and with it we got a shot of snow. At first I figured we'd see a good amount of snow from it, with the way it was coming down. But after the front pasted the snow pretty much shut right down and we only saw about a inch or so.
Today's Video.......
Today's Video.......
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Crazy Day............
It's been a crazy day around here and I forgot all about doing the parking lot scan this morning for the video. So I did it mid afternoon and as you'll see there wasn't many people around. Just about every room checked out this morning and the few that did stay over where out riding. I'd say we're going to have another great week of riding and traffic should be light with the holiday week behind us.
Today's video.............
Today's video.............
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Looks like..................
Not that it's on the top of my fun things to do list. But it looks like I'll be shoveling the motel roof in the next week or so. If we would get any R, it would be twice as much work to shovel. So you just do it and get it over with.
Today's Video...........
Today's Video...........
Friday, February 20, 2015
Not sure...............
I don't know if it's because we have snow headed our way and there is more moisture in the air, but it really felt cold out today. It wasn't just me that noticed it either, some of the guests commented about it also. Don't forget this weekend is the Pink Ribbon Ride, so keep an eye out for them when your out on the trails.
Today's Video.............
Today's Video.............
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Another great..............
At this point, I really don't see much of anything changing and I can say we're going to have another great weekend of riding here in the north country. In the last 24 hours we have gotten about 3 inches of new snow and the winds have picked up, making you really notice the below zero temps.
Today's Video.........
Today's Video.........
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Heat wave today...............
Our day started out sunny, but in the afternoon the clouds started rolling back in and then we had some light snow in the air. We also had a heat wave this afternoon, as the temp got up to 20 and you could tell it did. Because all that nice stuff the state puts on Rt 28, that is mixed in with the snow in the driveway, started to work and the snow pack soften up.
Today's Video......................
Today's Video......................
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
This weekend..............
The only event that I know of for this upcoming weekend is the Pink Ribbon Ride If you know of anything else, please post it or send me an email and I'll pass the info on. Looks like some snow for the next few days and with it we should see some higher temps. I hope you're getting some seat time in, because it really doesn't get much better.
For Sale: A pair of used handle bar muffs for $20.00. Can be purchased and picked up at the motel office.
Free: 19" TV set. It's not a flat panel, but it's good enough to put out in the shop and if something happens to it...oh well.
Today's Video..........
For Sale: A pair of used handle bar muffs for $20.00. Can be purchased and picked up at the motel office.
Free: 19" TV set. It's not a flat panel, but it's good enough to put out in the shop and if something happens to it...oh well.
Today's Video..........
Monday, February 16, 2015
Not sure what..............
I can't tell what time the night riding group got back last night. But I can tell you, they and many others didn't rush to get out on the trails this morning. At 9am it was still 17 below and by noon we got up to 5 below. Wind chill wise, we hit 38 below at one point in the last 24 hours. The next few days look like they will be great riding days with the temps in the teens during the day.
Today's Video............
Today's Video............
Sunday, February 15, 2015
I'll let you know..............
If the forecast comes true for the week, this will be one of the best President's weeks we have had in a few years. We had a dusting of snow overnight and besides that there really isn't much to report. I have seen a few of the rooms coming back sooner than they do most days. But I'm guessing the 12 below has something to do with that. But then again, I just had a few rooms check in and they are heading out to do some riding. It'll be interesting to see how long they are out.
Today's Video...........
Today's Video...........
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Perfect Day...............
You couldn't of asked for a better day, than we had today for snowmobiling. Light snow in the air all day, giving us a couple of inches of new snow and cold temps to keep everything frozen down. If you don't have any plans to get some riding in, you're missing out.
Today's Video.............
Today's Video.............
Friday, February 13, 2015
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Went out................
So how good is it? Good enough that I got coverage for the office, so I could go out riding last night again. Old Forge trails where a blast and we headed over to Brantingham again. They had things in nice shape also. On Monday night the flats weren't all that nice, but last night it was sweet. Today we had snow on and off all day and we picked up and inch or two. The temp has been dropping all day and it looks like a night of below zero to firm the trails up.
Today's Video..............
Today's Video..............
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
A little here and ..............
Forecast is looking good with a little snow here and a little snow there. Enough to keep things fresh, but not enough to make the trails all moguls.
Today's Video...............
Today's Video...............
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Before I forget................
There's lots of things going on this weekend. In Old Forge, at McCauley Mountain, there is a Winter Carnival with activities, fireworks and a XC Ski/Snowshoe event. The American Legion is having a Lumberjack Breakfast to benefit the wounded warriors project at the legion hall. Raquette Lake is also having a Winter Carnival this weekend too.
Please Note: There isn't a poker run this weekend in Inlet. I didn't look at the dates on the flyer, it was the end on January, sorry.
Today's Video..............
Please Note: There isn't a poker run this weekend in Inlet. I didn't look at the dates on the flyer, it was the end on January, sorry.
Today's Video..............
Monday, February 9, 2015
Snowed all...............
We've had snow all day and I really can't say how much we got. Boy it's nice to be able to make a statement like that. That we have enough snow, that we aren't counting the inches each time it snows a little. We did have enough that I plowed this morning and I gave it a touch up this afternoon.
Today's Video.............
Today's Video.............
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Great weekend.....................
The title says it all. I think everyone had a great weekend visiting the area and enjoyed all that was going on. More snow is on the way and the conditions are just getting better by the day.
Today's Video.................
Today's Video.................
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Not much to.............
There isn't really much of anything to report, besides everyone that came to the north country seems to be having fun. We did get 4 to 6 inches of lake effect over night and it looks like more snow is headed our way over the next few days. What will we get? Keep an eye on the cams to find out and don't forget about Nelson's Webcam. With fourth lake frozen you'll see sleds getting on and off of the lake at the boat ramp.
Today's Video.............
Today's Video.............
Friday, February 6, 2015
Work cut out...............
The groomers of the north country are going to have their work cut out for them this weekend. With a foot of new snow this week and more coming. Then let's add in the most sleds I've seen around this season. On another note, let me say I'm sorry. There are two events going on this weekend and I didn't tell you about them till now. First there is the snowmobile races in Boonville http://www.boonvillesnowfestival.com/ and the second is the ice harvest in Raquette Lake this Saturday the 7th, which is always fun to stop and see.
Today's Video..............
Today's Video..............
Thursday, February 5, 2015
What a day.................
It just keeps getting better by the day!. This morning we woke to another round of fresh snow and this time I'd say we got about 4 inches. The difference in the trail conditions over the last four days is like night and day. The other night we had the full moon and a clear sky to go with it. Today it was sun, not that it's a good thing, but it sure was a beautiful day to be out riding.
Today's Video..................
Thanks for the videos Bill............
Today's Video..................
Thanks for the videos Bill............
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Two report versions........................
Version One.....Half Empty
Went out for four hours, did 80 miles, had dinner at Pine Tree and only 10 to 15 of those miles where on freshly groomed trails, that I was the first one to ride on them. Could only find one inner trail that had fresh untouched powder to play in, groomers had gotten to the rest of them. Heard some ski chatter on the inside of a few corners. Trail hadn't frozen down after being groomed and someone must of came around the corner sideways shutting the snow to the outside edge. Hit a pile of snow in the middle of a long straight away, at thruway speed no less and my butt bounced off seat. It looked like someone did a hole shot, never have figure out why people have to do that. Then top it off with only seeing three different groomers in four hours.
Version Two.....Half Full
Went out for four hours, did 80 miles, had dinner at Pine Tree with friends. Anyone that's not here is surely missing out on some great riding. Then add in the full moon, with no cloud cover, boy they really are missing out on a night of riding to remember. Life's Good!
I forgot to include this pic in the video. When's the last time you saw this many trailers in the lot during the week? I guess more people got sick than I thought!
Today's Video...............
Went out for four hours, did 80 miles, had dinner at Pine Tree and only 10 to 15 of those miles where on freshly groomed trails, that I was the first one to ride on them. Could only find one inner trail that had fresh untouched powder to play in, groomers had gotten to the rest of them. Heard some ski chatter on the inside of a few corners. Trail hadn't frozen down after being groomed and someone must of came around the corner sideways shutting the snow to the outside edge. Hit a pile of snow in the middle of a long straight away, at thruway speed no less and my butt bounced off seat. It looked like someone did a hole shot, never have figure out why people have to do that. Then top it off with only seeing three different groomers in four hours.
Version Two.....Half Full
Went out for four hours, did 80 miles, had dinner at Pine Tree with friends. Anyone that's not here is surely missing out on some great riding. Then add in the full moon, with no cloud cover, boy they really are missing out on a night of riding to remember. Life's Good!
I forgot to include this pic in the video. When's the last time you saw this many trailers in the lot during the week? I guess more people got sick than I thought!
Today's Video...............
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Not the most...............
We may of had more snow at SnoDeo than we do now. But the conditions are better now than any other time this season. All we needed was a fresh shot of snow and we got that yesterday. I headed out later on for a ride and I think we're heading over to The Pine Tree.
Today's Video............
Today's Video............
Monday, February 2, 2015
Perfect storm.................
You couldn't ask for things to come together better than they have with this snow event. Snow on a Monday and limited traffic on the trails. Groomers will be able to make great time out doing there thing. Because it does make a big difference on how much you can get done, when you don't have to stop. Then let's add in well below zero temps tonight to freeze it all down. Can you say..........Sweet!
Temp Update: The clouds have cleared out and with no cloud cover I wouldn't be shocked if we drop well below the predicted 13 below for tonight.
Today's Video...............
Temp Update: The clouds have cleared out and with no cloud cover I wouldn't be shocked if we drop well below the predicted 13 below for tonight.
Today's Video...............
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Calm before..................
If there's any truth to the saying "the calm before the storm" It's going to be one heck of a week, because it was pretty calm around town this weekend. But if we get the snow they are predicting, I don't think it will be calm long.
Today's Video...............
Today's Video...............
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Computers are your friend.............
Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday. First the DSL went down for awhile yesterday afternoon and then I had computer problems. A problem that I hadn't seen before and it took me till this afternoon to get back online. Have you checked out the 10 day forecast on Weather Underground? The temps are in place and if we get the snow predicted, it's going to be a great week for riding. I haven't heard, but I bet the sleds ran great at the shoot today, with the cold temps we had. See video here
Today's Video............
Today's Video............
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Could be.................
All depends on what we get for snow, but it could be a great weekend of riding for those that head to the north country. Superbowl weekend is always funny, some years it's busy and others it's not. This year the reservation chart looks like it's a "not". So for those that do head north they may find light traffic this weekend.
Today's Video...........
Today's Video...........
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
New Line.............
Smith Marine has taken on a new sled line and it's called a King Husky. It's a youth sled that has a 250cc liquid cooled engine in it. Size wise it's between a 120 and a full size sled. You can see a picture of it here http://smithmarineagain.com/about-2/img_2425215629
Today's Video..............
Today's Video..............
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
All depends..............
I think it all depends on what kind of rider you are, on how you view the trail conditions. If you like to blast down the trail and hit the corners hard, then the conditions we have right now aren't for you. Because we just don't have the snow cover needed for the sled to stick. But if you are happy cruising along at a nice pace and just enjoying the day, then you could be in heaven. Yes, there's no if ans or buts about it, we can use some more snow, but if you use your head, you are able to go out and get in a day of riding. One of the rooms I have in, hooked up with the Barnstormers this morning at 10 and they just returned at 6:45. I think they headed over to Boondocks in Lyons Falls today.
This weekend is the Big Moose Shootout on Big Moose Lake.
Here's a link for more info www.bigmooseshootout.com
Today's Video............
This weekend is the Big Moose Shootout on Big Moose Lake.
Here's a link for more info www.bigmooseshootout.com
Today's Video............
Monday, January 26, 2015
Quiet one.............
It's been a quiet day around town, when it comes to sled traffic. But after looking at the cams in other areas around the region, I'd say it just about the same everywhere. We're all looking for a fresh shot of snow. I do have two rooms in and I'll give you an update tomorrow after talking to them tonight.
Today's Video............
Today's Video............
Lost and Found.............
Did you lose a set of keys? Send me a email christys@telenet.net or give me a call 315 369 6138.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Everyone cross..........
OK....everyone cross your fingers and hope the storm tracks inland more than predicted. Then we'll see more from it, because I'm sure most of you really don't even want to see it. We did get some snow over night and I'd say we picked up an inch or so.
Today's Video............
Today's Video............
Saturday, January 24, 2015
I was hoping.............
That we woke this morning to a few more inches of fresh snow, but we didn't. The sun has been out this afternoon and the temp is touching the 30 mark. But by the way it looks we will be back into the deep freeze by tomorrow and stay that way for the week.
Today's Video.............
Today's Video.............
Lost and Found....
Did you lose a pair of gloves plus something else? Send me a email christys@telenet.net or give me a call 315 369 6138.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Positive thinking.............
Don't know if it had anything to do with it or not, but we picked up some unpredicted snow over night and this morning. No it wasn't any huge amount, an inch or two, but ever little bit helps.
Today's Video............
Today's Video............
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Holy Cow.............
I'm posting at 11:45 am! I have somewhere to be this afternoon and wanted to give you an update before I left. Gas station traffic has been light this morning, but as you'll see in the video, there are people out riding.
Today's Video.........
Today's Video.........
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Not much has changed................
It's still the same, as it was yesterday. The only thing I can tell you that has changed, is the highway dept. brought more snow in on Park Ave (street behind the school) to make the trail wider along the street.
Today's Video.............
Today's Video.............
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
You'll be shocked............
OK so I went out to see first hand what it looks like and I think you'll be shocked. Video will be up as soon as I get it together.
Just finished the movie and it is processing now at 6:50. I have a meeting to go to, which I am late for now. I will post the video when I return.
OK, here's my take on the conditions. Is it great or a huge base...NO, but you sure as heck can ride. How long will it hold up? Your guess is good as the next guys. With no real snow in the forecast, do you wait till we get some or do you ride on what we got, it's totally your call.
Today's Video, it's along one.......
Just finished the movie and it is processing now at 6:50. I have a meeting to go to, which I am late for now. I will post the video when I return.
OK, here's my take on the conditions. Is it great or a huge base...NO, but you sure as heck can ride. How long will it hold up? Your guess is good as the next guys. With no real snow in the forecast, do you wait till we get some or do you ride on what we got, it's totally your call.
Today's Video, it's along one.......
Monday, January 19, 2015
Send us some..............
We'll take any snow you want to send us. Things have quieted down after the holiday weekend and the groomers are out putting things back together. How is it? All depends on who you ask. Can you ride...Yes. Is it prefect.....By no means. I can tell you one of our guests went to Pine Tree for lunch today and put on 100 miles. Be sure to watch today's video to the end, you'll see something I've never seen before.
Today's Video.........
Today's Video.........
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Just a video...............
7PM Update: The R has changed to snow.
Get dancing, so it changes to snow!
Get dancing, so it changes to snow!
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Great family weekend..................
You couldn't ask for a better weekend than it's been so far. Below zero temps this morning, to keep everything frozen down and in the teens today for a comfortable day of riding. At 4:45pm not one room has returned from riding yet. So I'm guessing trail conditions are holding together pretty good. Because if they weren't I'd see people returning by now.
Today's Video.............
Today's Video.............
Friday, January 16, 2015
Looks pretty good..............
We woke up this morning to snow and I'd say we got around 3 inches. It's a little hard to tell, as the wind was blowing pretty good all morning. The record ride for yesterday was a group of four guys and they put on 256 miles. If you're stuck at home this weekend and not able to get out. It will at least, be a good weekend to webcam watch. I caught the groomer going out just after I put the video together, so here's the pic.
Today's Video...................
Today's Video...................
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Must be...............
The Weather Underground had a change of heart on the snow amounts for the next few days. But it sure would of been nice to get the 8 to 12 that was in their forecast. The 1 to 3 is good with me, as long as we keep the deep freeze going.
Today's Video..............
Today's Video..............
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Another chilly one..........
We dropped down to 17 below this morning and that's been keeping everything frozen up nice. Traffic has been light today again and besides that there really isn't much to report. Just a reminder, that little eyes watch this blog also. So please keep that in mind when posting....Thanks.
Today's Video...........
Today's Video...........
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Stopped after dark............
Just after dark last night, the snow pretty much came to an end and I'd say we got about 4 inches all together. Not as much as I was hoping for, but it sure helped things out, as it was a good wet packing snow. Traffic has been light today again and that's really giving the trails time to set up.
Today's Video..............
Today's Video..............
Monday, January 12, 2015
Got predicted..............
The forecast was calling for 1-3 and I'd say we are just about at the 3 mark now. By the way it looks on the radar, we should see snow into the night and the totals should be 3 plus of nice wet snow. Traffic has been light today and that will give the new snow some time to set up tonight after the groomers do their thing.
Today's Video..........
Today's Video..........
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Looks like some wet stuff.............
We have some snow headed our way and it looks like it's going to be wet stuff. Then the temp is going to drop like a rock and should freeze the new snow up nice. The rest of the week looks pretty quiet right now, but that can always change in the blink of an eye. So lets hope it does and we see some more white stuff for the upcoming weekend.
Today's Video............
Today's Video............
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Still out riding..............
At 3:30pm I've only seen two rooms return and everyone else is still out riding for the day. Fastrac had lines at the pumps this morning, with people waiting to fill up for the day. I'll have more info later on as to how the trails are holding up for the weekend.
Today's Video.............
Today's Video.............
Friday, January 9, 2015
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Lowest so far................
We went down to 28 below this morning. That is the coldest for this year so far and I hope we see some more of them. It's hard on the fuel bill, but it sure does freeze things down nice. I replaced the covered bridge camera at the info center this morning. I'm sure you noticed, the one that was there was fuzzy and needed to go.
On the lake subject....there is no way of ever knowing if they are safe or not. They can change from one day to the next. So please don't ask or tell people to go on them.
Today's Video................
On the lake subject....there is no way of ever knowing if they are safe or not. They can change from one day to the next. So please don't ask or tell people to go on them.
Today's Video................
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
How many times can I say............
I really do have to find something else to say besides "Wait and see", I said it like four times in today's video, which by the way is a long one. But it has been a waiting game, weeks with no snow and now waiting for more snow to get here.
Today's Video.............
Today's Video.............
Monday, January 5, 2015
Forecast is in place................
Now all we have to do is cross our fingers that it comes true. I think it's going to be colder than predicted for tonight, as we are at 4@6:30pm and they are calling for a low of 1. However when the lake effect band moves north again, it will warm things back up some. Most of the day the lake effect band was coming off of the SE corner of the lake and at one point the band was very narrow and was almost to Albany.
Today's Video.................
Today's Video.................
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Stage could be set...............
This R could be a blessing or not, we'll know in the next 24 hours. You'll see what I'm talking about in today's video. So for now, go out and have some fun. As there isn't much happening around here to watch, not unless you find watching water freeze special.
Today's Video...............
Today's Video...............
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Let's Hope.............
This is one of those times that the weather man is off, by just a little. Enough that all we see is snow and no R. Forecast is calling for maybe 3 to 6 and the R part of the forecast seems to be all over the place. So cross your fingers and get a dancing!
7:20pm Update It's sleeting and we have a light coating of it. Wouldn't it be sweet if it stayed all sleet. What a great base it would make.
Today's Video......
7:20pm Update It's sleeting and we have a light coating of it. Wouldn't it be sweet if it stayed all sleet. What a great base it would make.
Today's Video......
Friday, January 2, 2015
Got Some...........
We got 6 to 8 inches from the lake effect and it has helped out some. As there are a few people out giving it a try, because before this snow, it wasn't even an option. I'm guessing most of the people I've seen are here for the holiday week and figured why not give it a shot. Cross your fingers we don't see the Sunday spike and R they are calling for.
Today's Video.................
Today's Video.................
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Happy New Year!
It's been a very quite one around here, that is for sure. Last night we went out to The Big Moose Station and had a nice New Years Eve dinner. It looks like they have more snow up there, than we have here in Old Forge, but still not enough to ride on, at least in my book. But during our time at the Station, I saw three sleds go past. So to those three diehards, I hope you had a Happy and Safe New Years Eve!
9pm update: The lake effect has moved into the area and is snowing at a good rate. Now cross your fingers that it stays in our area for a good long time.
Today's Video.........
9pm update: The lake effect has moved into the area and is snowing at a good rate. Now cross your fingers that it stays in our area for a good long time.
Today's Video.........
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