Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Something different...........

Got something a little different for the video today, hope you enjoy it.

Today's Video...............


  1. That was awesome . Would like to go for a ride in that blue plane . Season is now over for me and am now only 9 months away from next season . A good season it will be waited a long time but finally got rid of my 2002 3 place blizzard enclosed trailer and purchased the white 2016 4 place enclosed blizzard trailer that was at sno fest in the rec center. My friend spring ordered a renegade xrs and he is def sharing in the excitement as well . The end is now finally here on Thursday and with that being said to any anymous that talked about it being over weeks ago thankyou so much for not getting in my way while running the trails in good spring time conditions killing it !!! I have a deep desire to see sometimes the odometer reading on some of these people that love to talk so poorly of the conditions while myself putting 1279 miles on my highly modified 2014 zr8000 limited loved every mile while not complaining like a little baby like some .To the groomers out on north street hope you enjoyed a nice lunch on me ,you deserve it and only wish I could have done more.Steve you rock and hope you have a wonderful summer . And remember old forge rules and is and always will be the standard in snowmobiling in the north country . ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️

  2. Good for you commander Mcbragg! Hahaha.
    I wish I was like you. You are awesome!

    1. Funny...i was thinking same thing as king cat....hmmm...sputterfuss...i two had awesome spring riding and a blast snowfest weekend....so maybe sputterfuss keep ur piehole shut and stay outta my way too...or maybe someone shut it for u.....brappppppppp.......unaflippindilla!!!!!!! Here we come....STEVE IS AWESOME

    2. This is a fine example of the inteligence of the anonymous poster 11:01. You don't even ride. You wish you did. Enjoy riding your computer. Hahaha. You know who you are.

  3. Hi Steve how's it look for Saturday/ Sunday looking for one more ride? Dean from Pa.

    1. As it stands this second, stay home. But if we get snow tomorrow you may be able to get some riding in.

    2. 40 degrees tomorrow and rain. An inch or 2 tomorrow night isn't gonna do anything. Trails are toast. Need 6"+ to make them rideable. Season is over. Fat lady sung along time ago.

  4. Thanks Steve I will call on Friday

  5. I think Dean from PA will not be riding....Good god man...as Ferris Buehler said at the end of the movie..."It's over...go home"...

    1. You are correct. Snow is gone. Look at the cams. OF did not get any snow Thursday night. Season is over.

  6. Someone tell Joe at Stillwater it is time for a new flag.

    God Bless the USA and Old Forge.
    Have a great summer all!
