Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Could it be!

 We have 5 to 6 on the ground at 9am and it's still snowing.  It looks like it's going to snow till Wednesday morning.  So could this be the biggest snow of the season, only time will tell.  Watch till the end to see how it's looking.

Today's Video............


  1. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  2. Should be there now.

  3. This is it boys, pack the trailers

  4. I might come up and Ride by myself so tired of people canceling all the time does anyone els.e have this problem.

  5. Get your ride in , we got the snow but its at the end of the season of course. I saved 17k this year alone, kept my 2015 plan on doing the same for next year no updates just maintenance can justify it anymore and at the rate we get snow, I'll be riding vintage before long.

  6. Does anyone see the STOP SIGN in front of Old Forge Hardware on the Point, all day long people are running right through it. At 9:25 AM today a truck ran it at at least 40 MPH. Where is law enforcement in this town,speed in this town is out of control.

    1. What you have nothing better to do than watch the live feeds. We know that things can get a little stir crazy in winter but come on Karen it’s a snowmobile blog !!! Not Night Court

    2. Someone needs to watch it, the ones getting paid to aren't doing the job.

    3. 99% of the people that post on this blog aren't from OF. If your that sore about this traffic infraction you may be better off talking to the powers to be !! not a bunch of snowmobilers. That takes a 500 lb machine 90 MPH through trails with bumps, turns, trees and rocks for fun.
      Just Sayin

    4. You must be one of the 99% and don't care about our town and what is going on in it.You may not see it or don't care but it's going downhill. So ride 90 mph if you think its fun.

    5. I care very deeply about OF it’s like our second home ( don’t own one) but stay and spend money in the town we love, I just don’t let things that I can’t control, control my life the people that are speeding ( your opinion do you have a radar gun on the web cam or those white and black lines so you can track speed) I believe that people get what they deserve. As far as riding pretty sure you don’t
      That said have a nice day

  7. 157 miles by TEAM DD today....miles and miles of smiles!

    1. Whose D&D? Isn't that a dealer or repair shop in Lowville? Funny that there over here. Must have got kicked off the Hill.....

    2. No one cares BS

  8. I'll say one thing 20 mph through the town by the school after midnight they're always there that's what they're looking to do get the out-of-town snowmobilers$$$$$$$

  9. Seen Indian gym up by the old red dog he was out checking the trap lines
