Saturday, January 13, 2024

Just a heads up.............

 We lost power over night and I'm having a problem with the server for the webcams also.  So, some of the cameras are working and others aren't.  Live camera is on at motel, Rec. Center, Stillwater, McCauley base and Summit are all on at this time.  It may be Monday before I can get everything back online.  The people I need to talk to don't work on the weekend.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for the post. I was wondering why the cams were down. Hope things freeze up for a Monday ride.

    2. They never go down in the middle of April or November. It always seems to be when everyone wants to look at them. At least some of them are still uploading pictures.

    3. Monday is a Holiday, probably Tuesday.

  2. how much ice is on the lakes?

    1. Can't say for sure. But I would guess there is standing water on top of what ice is there.

  3. Ride it while you got it
