Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Lake effect at it's best.............

We had a lake effect snow band set up on top of us last night and it dropped a foot in a matter of hours. You can see some footage of it on the end of today's video.  Travel on local roads was restricted at one point because it was snowing so hard you couldn't see to drive.  Hope everyone had a Safe and Happy New Years Eve.

Today's video for...............


  1. Happy New Year! Have a great 2014! Thanks for all the great updates!

  2. Hey Steve why is trail 10 closed?

  3. It was amazing we were in the Tavern last night. U couldnt see Big Moose Lights across the street for about 2 hrs.. It was Like tug Hill in 1997 when we got 100" in 29hrs. I hit a Picnic Table...

    Its so cold out now. This will button up the lake.. Sunday be a great ride

  4. Trail 10 was flooded again from Beaver dam.. So I was informed.

    1. so what. who cares?

    2. apparently riders care, get a new box of cheerios

    3. nope. We dont care. Get a life.
