Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Got Snow ! ! !

Got about a foot in the last hour or so and still coming.


  1. I bet the roads are good Tonight!!!! Happy New Year!!!!

    1. hahaha... yeah the roads are good now.

  2. And everybody was laughing at us dancing like the Dish family commercial!

    Hah on them!

  3. Foot in an hour??? Maybe a drift. 3-4 inches an hour is huge, don't think 12" is possible.

    1. He is not kidding... Left OF in the middle of it. You could not see 50 yards. Steve said an hour or so. Close enough. It came down at least 5+ inches an hour for more than 2 hours and still coming down only lighter now. Just get off the computer and ride it while you can :)

    2. Left my buddies camp on Hollywood Hills at 5:00 headed to Red Dog for dinner. Went through OF to the bank and then down South Shore Rd. That took 45 minutes at 20-25mph in my truck. Sledders came in and said there was 0 visibility on the trails. Got back to the camp around 8:30 and there was 8-10 inches of new snow. By morning it was 12-14". Had to come home to work or I'd still be there!

  4. http://www.ispot.tv/ad/7ZOg/xfinity-dishheads-no-rain-dance

    In case you haven't seen it...

    Steve, maybe you should make all your customers do this in the mornings..helmets for those who wish to remain annon..


  5. My father is up there and as of 7:30 they had 6 to 8 inches so go back to your pipe

  6. Happy New Year everyone. Ride right, ride safe.

  7. I have to ask, are the lakes frozen yet? I won't ride until I see a ice fishing house out there, but saw some people on first lake last week. If not now, then most likely safe after Friday. Again, just asking, not saying.

    1. I know people are riding them but that doesn't necessarily mean they are safe. Ice shantys are a good sign but not the tell, gotta hear what they are cutting in the late freeze spots. All else fails hammer down, lean back and don't look behind you

    2. Totally agree. If this lake effect didn't pan out and we only got the snow from the Nor'Eastah, I'd probably try the lakes, but with the snow on the ground and more coming, I'll most likely stick to the trails.

    3. Monday we rode from my buddies camp on Hollywood Hills out onto First Lake, over to Second Lake, and then spun around when we saw open water and no previous tracks on Third Lake. Went back to camp and watched group after group repeat our same route out and back again within 10 minutes.

  8. I know its pretty hard to predict lake effect but man were they off on what they predicted, i saw 1-2 in for last night and they got a foot
