I'm guessing we're going to see even more people than we did last weekend, by the number of calls I have gotten looking for rooms. Forecast is looking good and the cold temps will be a huge help in keeping the trail conditions better longer. Please remember it's a holiday weekend and there will be a lot of families and young riders out enjoying the sport. So stay right and keep the speed under control. Take my word on this. It only takes a split second to get out of control and the out come can get ugly even faster.
Today's Video...……..
Heading up to Malone this Saturday checking on conditions on the track's from Beaver River to Charlie's Inn
I rode to Malone yesterday from woodgate. it's definitely worth the trip. Trails up there are fantastic. There's a whole other world out there that people who are stuck in OF will never realize.Sabattis to Tupper Was never groomed and doesn't look like it's going to be. Also from Mountain View up to Malone There's an Eight Mile Stretch where the groomer must be on vacation. . Other than that rails were decent. Attempting that trip on any weekend, let alone Presidents Weekend,sounds crazy to me. Expect a three-hour beating on your return trip home. I would suggest Trailering to Tupper and going north from there. Miles pile up quick in the deep north. Put on 353 yesterday. Big snow up there. Good luck!