Friday, December 9, 2016

Snodeo 2016

Hard to believe Snodeo weekend is here again.  Guess there is something to this getting older thing and life goes past faster.  With the people I've talk to, it sounds just like I said yesterday that the snow band hit harder south of us than it did north. If the long range forecast holds true one thing is for sure.  Things will be freezing up around here as they are calling for some below zero temps.  All said and done from the beginning yesterday till today we have gotten about a half a foot of new snow.

Today's Video.........


  1. Any Shoot out results? Did the Yamaha finally win the 600 class?

  2. WOW! A white Snodeo. Rare thing these days. So my opening day will be Mon. Dec.19th - maybe Tuesday 12/20 Yeah, that looks about right. Anyone wanna go out? I'll be up alone more than likely...

  3. Now since all the assholes had to ride snodeo. We lost most of what was going to be soon our base. These people are thick headed.

  4. Pull your skirt up a little higher so it won't get dirty, and watch your vocabulary, we are not all adults !

  5. You know what they say about people who snooze dont ya??? looks to me they are having a great first ride.
