Thursday, January 27, 2011

Salt - Not a Snowmobilers Friend!

Check this out. I couldn't believe how much the salt is getting tracked around town today from State Rt 28. I myself wouldn't mind going back to the days when they just put sand down with just a little salt in it. I know my truck would last alot longer, with out all the salt sticking to it. But that is just my thoughts on this and I am sure there are just as many people out there that like it just the was it is now. One thing that is a saving grace is the trail crew has been making a trail on the shoulder of the road behind the school and on the lake front.


  1. steve caseyplow@sandfoot has alot to do with this VIDEO OF THE GRADER ON BIG MOOSE RD YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. PLUS THE 8TO10% AND MORE SALT HE DUMPS EVERDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. i totally agree. they come across like old forge area is supposed to be the snomobile capital of the NE..then all they do is dump salt. we have a place on big moose rd. a plow comes from eagle bay past us..then another plow comes from stillwater past us. it is driving us crazy!

  3. Not sure what video you are talking about, as I don't have anything fromyesterday on Big Moose Rd.

    The plow that you see is the same truck. It turns around in Stillwater and comes back out to Eagle Bay.

  4. everybody knows about the road situation, for that reason I dont stay in town anymore, you dont need gas in town,you dont need the lower end of Big Moose rd, I was up last weekend put on 264 miles,we found alot of good riding and some decent and sunday night at 8:30 alot of pain and a flipped sled, after 25 yrs. riding OF I had my first incident, flipped my sled and dislocated my shoulder, OUCH for me and the sled but if the weather stays cold and snowey I may make it back by March

