Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Didn't hurt much..........

 We had warm temps today and some R.  But it really didn't hurt us much.  The base got soft and will freeze back down good and solid.  Pay attention to the railing at Stillwater and the roof on the sign at the info center and you see we didn't have much of a meltdown.  Not that we like seeing days like this.  But in the long run it will help keep the trails open longer.

Today's Video..................


  1. What did people forget to shovel there roofs sounds like laziness and they will pay the price no pity for stupidity

  2. I will say one thing Steve the sun is not your friend. It's been a hell of a season I believe we'll be riding all the way to the end.

    1. The sun was out this morning and it was hot. It's getting to be that time of the year.

  3. So it's a free weekend for out of state people I don't get it you still need a trail pass correct and your sled should be insured right because if you hit someone you have to have insurance so what's really free about it you don't have to register it why would you do that

    1. The only thing Free is advice, and my advice is don't go ! you get to use the trails without purchasing a pass If your from OFS only , Insurance is mandatory just because other states don't require it doesn't mean you don't or shouldn't carry it . and you get a reciprocal registration for the weekend. you also get overcrowded parking , restaurants , and trails that get turned into slurry by end of the day on Friday that even as hard as the crews work they can't keep UP .
      So have fun !!!!!
      Ride Safe Keep Right

    2. If you have a 15K to 20K sled and no insurance you're out of your mind

    3. Out of state riders registrations are not reciprocal in ny so you save about 125 dollars per sled for the registration and the club dues for ny .another New York money grab for out of state riders .go to Vermont out of state registrations are reciprocal all you need is a trail pass for Vermont the trails are better and not as crowded

    4. They are reciprocal , it's just for FREE WEEKEND it's the entire reason it's free to out of state riders a lot of states that border NY do this . MA, NH, ME in VT there "Free" weekend cost $25.00 but that was in the end of January

  4. Yes they have a great trail system in Vermont if there's snow. You can even go to Lake George they got a nice little system not too much but just basically registration and insurance no trail passes required the local clubs groom.
