Thursday, January 12, 2023

And we wait.................

 I did see some guys fueling up their sleds this morning, they had them in a trailer.  Maybe they did the 4th lake riding.  

Today's Video............


  1. So yeah…. What the hell is going on? Do I sell everything and just walk away and don’t look back? Anyone else thinking what I’m thinking? Are people still buying used sleds like last year. Nothing to speak of for the rest of the month. February after presidents week is a flip of the coin. So that leaves us with what, 3 weeks of marginal riding. Will the lakes even freeze up this year? So many questions yet no one can answer. Sorry for the rant.

    1. There's only one that knows,and nobody is going to change it. Going to have to work with it and come up with new ideas to keep going.

    2. Dave its the same old same old year after year going to it give up throw in the towel selling everything seasons over , what are you or anyone else going to do about it. life is was it is . I feed bad for the people who depend on this season to make into the summer. Have you asked your self maybe take the wife and kids up for the weekend , out to dinner stay at the motel , take in a movie The Strand has Avatar even though the movie sucks it's only 7 bucks candy is like 2 dollars, OF isn't just about snowmobiling. Put you money where it counts I know they do appreciate it.

  2. Another snow drought just like 2000s years

  3. Well at least the lakes might get more ice on them.

  4. I hope with the weekend coming people dont push their luck on the thin ice.

  5. I am over 60 and can tell you this. Climate change is real and its here to stay.

    1. Yes it is. Time to change the ways and go Side By Sides on the trails. Open that land up and use it, they treat it as if it's a golf course.

    2. Agreed, utv with tracks no wheeled vehicles even the motocross bikes with the track kit the footprint is nominal it’s not like the ground isn’t frozen even if you have a wet spot no different than if was there with sleds time for change

  6. Sure is crazy. The problem is who's going to buy a sled this year there is other places getting a lot of snow but not here. Like the other guy said.What are you going to get about three or four weeks at this point.

  7. Snowing heavily in the Forge now!

  8. I sold my home in 2019 and I miss the area. But the world is getting warmer will come up this summer. I did buy a ls3 corvette and I love it. Good luck my friends

  9. I sold my 3 sleds and trailer this past October and bought a new side by side. Best thing I could have done. I got sick of dumping thousands of dollars into sleds, maintenance and seasonal rentals. The weather has definitely changed over the last few years. My family and I spent the last 40 years riding Old Forge I’m just glad my kids got the memories I have of riding with 3 generations.

    1. Side by Sides are in the future,and areas are going to have to make the change if they want the winter business. It could be a good summer business too. Best to start now and work into it slowly. If not have a summer and fall season and board up the window, that's the way it was years ago in the adirondacks.

  10. Climate change? Isn’t your friend Kamala taking care that. Maybe you should get an electric sled as to limit your carbon emissions. Let me know if you need directions to a charging station. I believe Joey has one in the garage. It’s right next to the corvette and the classified docs.

    1. Thanks for my laugh of the day!

  11. I didn’t realize GM was building EV corvettes already. That can’t be a gas powered corvette in Joeys garage right Kamala?

  12. You know there’s no snow when the blog starts getting machines are 22 years old. Low maintenance and still fun. I needed a new Dexter axle for my trailer and it cost $675 in NJ. North/South connection wanted $1800. Nothing against them. Just that in this economy you better shop around. I’m forecasting winter will be in full swing Feb-April. I bought my sleds in 2001 for $4600. Original track,

  13. you guys are funny im a republican and my name is joey lol
