Thursday, December 27, 2018

Cross your fingers...........

I just looked at the radar and the R is just starting to hit New York State.  I'm just hoping it gets in and out fast.  As we really can't take another big shot of warm weather and R.  Traffic was light today and the few that did go out had a nice day of limited riding.

Today's Video...…..


  1. El Nino! El Nino! El Nino!

  2. Well Steve what do you think of this catastrophic situation? Are you ready to throw in the towel for this winter, sell the place and move south? Myrtle beach motels sure seem like a win/win opportunity compared to this tragedy.

    1. Been here almost 30 years and this isn't the first time I've seen a melt down like this and it won't be the last. Things will turn around and you won't even remember this melt down after the first 10 miles of seat time.

    2. Yep, Myrtle Beach, seems like a fine idea...until the next hurricane..then not so much....i would rather be in the snow when it comes. I like all 4 seasons with winter being the most fun for me. give me the northeast.

  3. How much do we need to get back into shape and riding again?

    1. All depends on the type of snow. I'd say 6" of storm snow and 6" plus of lake effect. By what I've seen, the ice base took a hit, but it's still holding in there.
