Friday, December 6, 2019

Got More...........

I like it when the forecast is wrong and it's to our favor.  Was calling for 1 to 3 and we got an easy 5 to 6 if not more.  So at this time the snow is to the one foot mark on the snow stick out front.  I'm not crazy about the warm up that's coming.  But if it's short and we don't see to much R.  It could very well be a blessing.  It could turn the snow we have into a rock hard base.  But the key will be for people to stay off of it till it freezes back down.

Today's Video...…...


  1. I just saw 5 new Arctic Cat Riots rumble across and thru the covered bridge in town from Slickers.

  2. Dude, we were at Tony Harpers this evening and group of riders came in for pizza and wings. According to Tom they were the famous Dirty Dozen and decided to open the trails a bit early!

    1. Must say you and your imaginary friends are getting better with the storyline, It's almost as if you really believe it's happening this year,with random people responding to your delusion. You've used the covered bridge line too many times in the past you should be keeping notes try to keep the story fresh.

      Oh and Dave only 116 days left till the season is over just saying but keep the comments coming it does break up the season .
      Ride Safe Keep Right

  3. Gotta love them riots. Looks like a big thaw cycle coming.
