Sunday, June 9, 2024

I thought it would...............

 I said the other day that the pool was warming up.  Well, that didn't happen with the weather we had the last few days.  It's back to a chilling temp of 65.  On a good sunny day, the solar panels can warm it up 5 to 10 degrees. Not bad when there is 35,000 gallons of water in the pool.  Looks like Wednesday we'll start seeing the sun again.  Should be enough time to warm it up for the weekend.  If not I'll kick on the propane heater.

Today's Video..............

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Cover is off..............

 Chelsea and I pulled the pool cover off yesterday and the water was pretty clear this year.  Gave the pool a good shot of chlorine and you can see the screws in the drain cover on the deep end today.  Solar panels are hooked up and the temp is on its way up.   Should be ready for Father's Day weekend.

Today's Video................

Sunday, June 2, 2024

New lines...............

We had the parking lot sealed a week or so ago.  We used someone different this time and the new guys put down a coat of sealer that we couldn't see the old lines after it was done.  So, Chelsea and I had a few extra steps to do to finish the parking lot after getting sealed.

Today's Video...............