Monday, November 15, 2021

Trail Cam

 Got the trail cam back online.  All I can say is computers are your friend and window also.


  1. Thanks for all you do Steve! These cams really give you a run for your money huh.

    1. You're welcome. Most times, it's just simple things, like the power went out and the battery back up went dead. But there are times, when you have to put on the thinking cap.

    2. Steve, there are two things that can reduce a grown man to tears. The first is a computer. The second? I’m not going there…LOL!

  2. Nice to see SNOW on the ground in November! Is Rt. 8 Eddy coming to Snodeo next month?

  3. Got my trail passes the other day. What’s up with the sunshine yellow and you can barely see the numbers. Also they seem like there very cheaply made. I recall them having a strong silver backing, now there flimsy like a child’s sticker.

  4. Seen Indian Jim back on the trap line he said winter will be setting in early

  5. Indian Jim says time for a test and tune for the old Moto Ski down main st. in front of the TOW Bar very soon.
