Thursday, January 18, 2018

Back Open..............

Trail 1 is back open, but the deer yard loop is stilled closed due to flooding.

Free Weekend Update  I made a call to the powers to be and yes D Trump.   OF officials will be looking for in state border crossers and they will be giving out paper work with the address to send the check.

Today's Video.......


  1. Steve,
    Thank you as always for the updates and the follow up as to our borders , As you know we need to keep our people (Permit holders) safe and secure and that our governing officials have their best interest at heart.Now with the repatriation of funds from our Instate brethren the OF trail system can get a boost and credit it deserves. I will be attending this years and to quote another post "Open Season" weekend to assess the process, Steve keep up the good work and if you're ever in DC you know where to find me.
    D Trump

  2. Best report you should be at the welcome center! So glad I found this
